This guideline is part of a broader systematic effort to address gender inequalities in climate change interventions in PNG. The guideline focusses on how this can be achieved across the assessment, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) stages of any climate change related action. The guideline promotes inclusivity and participation and provides tangible advice and strategies to foster equal access, opportunities and benefits from climate change projects and programs (including policies) in PNG. Proper application of these guidelines will also result in activities and outcomes that reduce or eliminate gender disparities, power imbalances and promote social and gender equality for sustainable development
in the country. Whilst the focus of this guideline is on projects funded by GCF in PNG and is largely tied to the GCF process, the guideline can also be utilised to inform the development and implementation of any climate change or development project in PNG. Similarly, whilst the guideline does not specifically target and describe all strategies that support the inclusion of marginalised groups such as persons with disabilities, the underlying principles of human rights, inclusion and respect for equal participation and opportunities as discussed in this
guideline, will also be useful for promoting inclusivity more broadly and contribute towards gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.