Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) is a PNG Government Statutory Body.
CCDA is the coordinating entity for all climate change related policies and actions in the country. Additionally, it is the designated National Authority under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The office is currently undergoing a transitional phase which requires a major re-structure, in a coordinated and structured manner, complying with its own Climate Change Management Act (CCMA) 2015. The CCMA 2015 clearly defines this in Sections 8-11 of the Act on the organisation’s establishment, purpose, functions and powers.
Who We Are
CCDA is mandated under the Climate Change (Management) Act 2015 with the responsibility to contribute toward global efforts in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, through low carbon development that fosters economic growth and social welfare for the people’s wellbeing and prosperity. Pursuant to Part II Section 10 of the Climate Change (Management) Act 2015, CCDA’s purpose is to:
- Promote the management and sustainable development of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions,
- Implement any relevant obligations of the State under applicable rules of International Law and agreements related to climate change,
- Act as PNG’s Designated National Authority (DNA) for the purposes of the Paris Agreement and any such other or subsequent arrangements or agreements made under the Paris Agreement, and related purposes. Under these arrangements, CCDA is the DNA for the issuance of Host Country Letter of Approval for all projects and activities related to Carbon Trading or any form of Carbon Offset Projects, and
- Establish and administer trust funds that facilitate the control and distribution of the received benefits and levies.
- Implement the United Nations Paris Agreement (Implementation) Act 2016 pursuant to Section 7
The Corporate Plan has been developed to help CCDA fulfil its mandate.
The Climate Change and development Authority (CCDA) has undergone just one re-structure before becoming an Authority. Since its establishment in August 2010, the authority’s staff strength has increased from 20 to 53 and now at 75. The CCDA was established in August 2010 and replaced the former Office of Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability (OCCES) which was abolished by the Cabinet (NEC) in 2009 due to irregularities. CCDA was officially an Authority in January, 2016 replacing the former Office Of Climate Change and Development (OCCD).
Our Management
CCDA is headed by an Acting Managing Director, four General Managers for the Divisions – Corporate Services, Adaptation and Projects, REDD+ and Mitigation, and MRV and National Communication and Branch Managers – Finance, ICT, Human Resource, MRV, National Communication, REDD+, Mitigation, Adaptation and Projects.
Our current Acting Managing Director is Mr. William Lakain, General Managers are – REDD+ and Mitigation is Ms. Gwendoline Sissiou, Adaptation and Projects is Mr. Jacob Ekinye, Measurement Reporting and Verification (MRV) and National Communication is Ms. Debra Sungi and the Corporate Services is Kenneth Wangoro.

Our Vision
To be the leader in promoting climate resilience, low carbon growth and sustainable development.
Our Mission
- To deliver climate compatible and climate smart actions for PNG.
- To mitigate greenhouse gas emissions through REDD+ and low carbon emission initiatives.
- To empower people to be more resilient and reduce vulnerability to impacts of climate change.
- To promote feasible and sustainable economic activities through appropriate and applicable technology in PNG.
Guiding Principles
CCDA’s core values and behavioural attributes are the cornerstone of our aspirations in meeting our mission statements. The staff is an integral part of CCDA’s success in upholding these values which include high standards of leadership, integrity, transparency and accountability, and gender inclusiveness. These values and guiding principles are consistent with CCDA’s obligations under international law, the National Constitution, the national strategy (Vision 2050) and other relevant frameworks. For CCDA to demonstrate commitment to its core values, it will ensure staff is highly trained and acquires the requisite knowledge, skills and competencies.
Our Values
Climate Change Leadership: We will provide strategic direction and demonstrate effective leadership in addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development. We will develop expertise, share knowledge, deliver practical outcomes when responding to climate change and, at the same time, build capacity for our stakeholders to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change, and reduce risks and vulnerabilities to natural disasters.
Transparency and Accountability: We will promote openness and demonstrate responsibilities in our decisions and activities. We strive to adhere to code of practice under the Public Service Management Act 2014 and other respective regulations and good governance practice.
Gender Equity, Social Inclusion and Fairness: We encourage respect and equal opportunities for all, embracing the GESI principles of respect, equity and diversity. CCDA aligns itself to Section 55 of the National Constitution which calls for promoting equality of citizens and, through this Corporate Plan, CCDA addresses the needs of all people, including females, children, young persons, members of underprivileged or less advanced groups or residents of less advanced areas.
Dedication: We will honour and dedicate our commitment to our domestic and international obligations.
Sustainable Development Principles: CCDA adopts the inclusive green growth and responsible sustainable development principles of StaRS and the MTDP III as shown in (Figure 1). This Corporate Plan focuses CCDA in working with strategic partners and stakeholders to promote carbon neutral, climate compatible and sustainable development, and responding together to build PNG’s resilience, and reduce vulnerability of communities, including women to climate change. This Corporate Plan therefore promotes the agenda for Green Economy (STaRs) and responsible sustainable development through the MTDP III environmental protection strategies. CCDA being accountable through the Public Services Management Act 2014 and Public Finance Management Act 2016 will avoid unethical practices and activities that compromise PNG’s future ability to respond to the adverse impacts of climate change. In doing so, CCDA upholds the good governance principle which states that subsidiary democracy must be upheld and revitalised in accordance with the principle of prior informed consent. CCDA will strive to ensure policies, rules and regulation are transparent, promote participatory negotiations and include consultative processes with CCDA stakeholders and all affected people.