"More emphasis and focus should be on country-driven priorities".

Acting Managing Director Debra Sungi

New Publications

National REDD+ Safeguards Guidelines

Recently launched documents on the REDD+ Safeguards Guidelines.   

PNG Climate Change and Forest Monitoring Web-Portal 

PNG Near Real-time Deforestation Alerts and Monitoring System 

PNG REDD+/Carbon Registry: Data Management System (DMS)

Safeguards Information Systems (SIS) 

PNG REDD+ YouTube Channel 

PNG's National Adaptation Plan

Papua New Guinea’s first National Adaptation Plan (NAP) 2022-2030 is designed as a strategic framework to support efforts led by Papua New Guinea’s Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) to address climate change impacts. The NAP defines a series of cross-cutting strategies to strengthen institutional capacities and the ability to effectively mainstream climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction and management in priority sectors.

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