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Upcoming Event
- Climate Change and Development Authority Hosts Momase Regional Workshop on Biennial Transparency Report and GHG Inventory
- CCDA enhances capacity for REDD+ Safeguards reporting with SIS Platform Training
- New Climate FIRST Project will build stronger, climate resilient and socially inclusive communities and people.
- PNG welcomes GCF decision on REDD+ Result Based Payments
- EU-FCCB Programme supports Papua New Guinea’s Endeavours in Preserving its Rich Biodiversity
- NEA and Expertise France sign MOU to implement Green Energy Initiatives
- CCDA and Expertise France sign MOU to drive Climate Action
- PNG path towards climate resilience roads and infrastructure
- World Environment Day marked with solemn reminder
- Sustainable Transportation Solutions in PNG Discussed

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Climate Change is Everyones business, Leave no one behind
- Willam Lakain