Building Resilience to Climate Change (BRCC) is implementing Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR)1 aimed at achieving transformational change in addressing the current and future threats from climate change and related hazards. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved the grant for $24.25 million on 21 October 2015. The grant was provided by the Strategic Climate Fund–Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (SCF–PPCR) administered by ADB. In September 2017, the SCF–PPCR Sub-Committee approved the allocation of an additional $5.0 million in PPCR grant resources as additional financing (AF) to original project for the climate proofing of the wharf in Alotau, Milne Bay. On 9 February 2018, the co-financing agreement between the Government of Australia and ADB with respect to the additional financing to original project for the climate proofing of the wharf in Alotau, for an amount of A$4 million was signed.

The project impact is “increased resilience to the impacts of climate change and climate variability”. The outcome is “improved capacities of communities (in vulnerable atolls and islands), government agencies, and civil society to plan and respond to the impacts of climate change.” 4. This will be achieved by mainstreaming climate resilience into development planning and addressing country priorities that focus on vulnerable communities in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARoB) and provinces of East New Britain, Manus, Milne Bay and Morobe comprising 21 priority vulnerable islands/atolls identified through a participatory process using SPCR identified risk factors across four sectors including (i) infrastructure, (ii) natural resources, (iii) health, and (iv) agriculture against potential impacts from climate change and variability. 5. The project has three outputs: (i) climate change and vulnerability assessments carried out and adaptation plans developed for target communities, (ii) sustainable fishery ecosystems and food security investments piloted in nine vulnerable island and atoll communities, and (iii) enabling framework for climate resilient infrastructure established and communications network extended. 6. In addition, the AF expanded the scope of the project and will increase project benefits. The existing wharf at Alotau, Milne Bay Province whose design-life has expired will be rebuilt with innovative climate adaptation features. Climate resilient building codes and design standards will be developed based on the pilot climate proofing of this wharf. The AF also contributes to sustained access of outer island communities to basic needs post-disaster and extreme climate events. During normal operations, the wharf contributes to increased economic activities to support the livelihood and social needs of the communities, particularly women and children. The climate proofing of the wharf in Alotau will deliver additional and immediately tangible benefits to Milne Bay Province.

Current achievements under the BRCC are:

i) Climate Proofing Alotau Wharf Ground-breaking

 The other major achievement in 2022 was the ground-breaking for the K25million Climate Proofing Alotau Provincial Government Wharf project in Milne Bay Province for work to commence.  Construction is underway and it is expected to be completed at the end of 2023.  Once completed, it will become the first climate proofed infrastructure (wharf) in PNG.  This will serve as a model for the climate proofing of similar structures within PNG that are currently planned in this marine transport dependent environment.

 2. ii) Other achievements under the BRCC Project

There are three (3) outputs under this project and they are;

Output 1: Climate change and vulnerability assessments carried out and adaptation plans developed for target communities

Output 2: Sustainable fishery eco-systems and food security investments piloted in nine vulnerable island and atoll communities.

Output 3: Enabling framework for climate resilient infrastructure established and communications network extended.


3.1  Water catchment and tank installations are completed. A total of 142 Tanks were delivered as,

1.East New Britain Province: 17
2. Autonomous Region of Bougainville: 39
3. Morobe Province: 22
4. Milne Bay Province: 51
5. Manus Province: 30

3.2    Sanitation Facilities for East New Britain is completed. AROB is partially complete. Morobe Complete. Manus all goods in Lorengau waiting to be shipped to the respective islands.

3.3    Early Warning and Communication Network Systems Installation for East New Britain Province completed. Morobe Completed. Manu’s installations completed.

3.4    Twenty-one (21) climate change vulnerability assessments in 21 islands and atoll communities that are spread out in East New Britain, Manus, Morobe and Milne Bay Provinces and Autonomous Region of Bougainville have been completed.

3.5    Climate Change Vulnerability Adaptation Plans (CCAPs) have been drafted.

3.6    89 subprojects proposals to be funded under the Small Grants Facility (SGF) have been proposed by communities categorized into 16 categories.

3.7    Subprojects under the category of (1) Outboard motors and dinghies and (2) communities halls, these proposals have been submitted to each of the Provincial Advisory Committee (PAC) for endorsement for funding under the Small Grants Facility (SGF) upon approval from the PSC.

3.8    Developed an enabling framework to mitigate the. impacts of climate change on ports, wharves and jetties. Policy policy documents such as strategic policies for upgrading national, provincial and NFA-managed facilities and extension of infrastructure in support of the marine transport network in the islands; (b) upgrading engineering design standards; (c) incorporating benefits from climate protection in feasibility studies; and (d) recommending sustainable financing alternatives for operation and maintenance (O&M).

3.9    Ceremonial signing of contract. Coordination with contractor to support mobilization by contractor (PMG).

3.10  Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and related subplans submitted by PMG and approved by CEPA, CCDA and Milne Bay Provincial Administration.

3.11 Ground Breaking Ceremony officiated by the Minister for Environment, Conservation and Climate Change.

3.12  Construction of the Alotau Provincial Wharf by the contractor Pacific Marine Group Limited.

Schedules for Achievement in 2023

  • Installation of Sanitation Facilities for Manus, AROB and Milne Bay.
  • Complete the Early Warning systems and Radio Network Communications for Manus, Milne Bay and AROB with technical input from NMSA. Liaise with NICTA for licensing for the use of the equipment.
  • Collect missing data for the completion and documentation of 21 CCVAPs and climate change development plans developed are incorporated into local level government (LLG), district and provincial plans.
  • Develop gender responsive disaster response strategies for 21 vulnerable island communities.
  • Support communities in preparing financing applications for identified climate adaptation 89 subprojects to either the government’s District Services Improvement Program or a small grant facility (SGF) that has already been established under the project.
  • Host a Project Steering Committed (PSC) meeting to approved the subprojects and endorsed by the PSC.
  • Monitor and ensure subprojects approved by the Project Steering Committee (PSC) are funded under the SGF and are delivered to the islands and atoll communities.
  • Complete the construction of the Alotau Provincial Wharf and officially open it as a model climate proofing wharf in Papua New Guinea.
  • Conduct Marine Resource Assessment to assist local communities in 9 pilot sites (3 in Milne Bay, 3 in Manus and 3 in East New Britain.
  • Demonstrate techniques used in the rehabilitation of protected coral reefs and degraded mangrove forests.
  • Pilot income-generating activities in processing of marine products to enhance food security.
  • Pilot the stabilization of watershed catchment areas adopting a ridge-to-reef approach in island hinterlands.
  • CCDA to liaise with PNG Ports Corporation Limited to ensure the PNGPCL board endorses and approves the Policy Documents.
  • Coordination for PAC and extra ordinary PSC meetings for endorsements and approvals for the subproject proposals.



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