Completed: 2011-2015
UNREDD Programme
The Programme made a start with redrafting the existing National Guidelines on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). This document will now be presented to the public for final comments (in 2014). The Programme also advanced in REDD+ Awareness and Training. A training document was further developed and training of trainers took place at regional and local levels. The Programme also recruited 2 National Experts for the study on Social and Environmental Safeguards, employed by the National Research Institute (NRI). Through a direct contract between OCCD and NRI old and loose ties between these organisations are rekindled and strengthened. The International SES Expert was identified but actual contracting was deferred to January 2014. Budget for the SES activity will become available through a Small Scale Funding Agreement (SSFA) between UNEP and OCCD, which was signed in August 2013. By the end of 2013, UNEP had not received a request for the first payment. The UN-REDD Programme has started cooperation with parallel and/or related external initiatives related to REDD+. With the USAID/LEAF initiative the Programme will review the current Forestry Act and will integrate 12 Indicate if the source of co-financing is from: Bilateral aid agency, foundation, local government, national government, civil society organizations, other multilateral agency, private sector, or others. 13 Indicate if co-financing is in-kind or cash. 12 REDD+ aspects (i.e. safeguards) in this document. Furthermore, UNDP (through UN-REDD) has agreed to become the Delivery Partner for the FCPF-RPP initiative of the World Bank. As MRV is well-taken care of under UN-REDD, particular focus is on furthering social and environmental safeguards. Signing the actual agreement between OCCD and UNDP is awaiting final acceptance of a balanced budget for all activities by all parties