As part of PNG’s GCF Readiness project, the Climate Change & Development Authority (CCDA) has organized an interactive participant forum webinar to discuss, review and elicit feedback on the No-Objection Procedure and the GCF Country Programme. The webinar was facilitated by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) as the delivery partner of the project with technical support provided by USAID Climate Ready. This webinar on the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Green Climate Fund (GCF) Country Programme and No-Objection Procedure took place on 19 May 2020 online via a webinar. The objective of this webinar was to present the draft PNG GCF Country Programme and No-Objection Procedure for review and stakeholder feedback.
The Webinar provided an opportunity for stakeholders to gain an understanding of, and provide feedback on these documents. The webinar brought together expertise from stakeholders in
Papua New Guinea and other parts of the world, and input was solicited from participants to strengthen the Papua New Guinea GCF Country Programme and No-Objection Procedure.