The regional workshops were bringing climate change actions [engagement and consultations] through project development and implementation financed by the GCF to the sub-national level. As the Delivery Partner to Papua New Guinea’s Green Climate Fund Readiness program, GGGI through the workshops aims to:
• Support the Government to establish effective coordination mechanism, strategic frameworks, build
relevant capacity in government partners and to achieve higher quality, more innovative climate project
• Strengthen the role of the CCDA as the NDA to the GCF and improving their coordinating capacity to
ensure stakeholders across PNG understand and can implement GCF projects;
• The workshops are to streamline the GCF NDA functions and governance to PNG by focusing on
strengthening the role of Provincial Climate Change Committees (PCCC) (GCF conduit at the local level of
government) as the main bottom up conduit in the GCF No Objection Letter Procedure (NOL); and
• The workshop serves as a consultation forum for the CCDA on issues such as its legal mandate i.e. CCMA
and pending administrative regulations which serve as a complimentary purpose to the overall capacity
building and stakeholder engagement process that GCF is supporting.
• The workshops provide information to stakeholders on the NDA and GCF’s roles, functions and procedures
and focus on identifying processes to link and strengthen the GCF NDA functions, communication and
governance to the sub-national level by focusing on awareness raising to the Provincial Climate Change
Committees (the GCF NDA contact at the local level) and enabling them to participate in the GCF project
development process.
• The workshops also provide information on the NDA’s No Objection Letter (NOL) Procedure and will serve
as a consultation on the NOL procedure to a wide range of stakeholders.
• The review of Climate Change (Management) Act aims to identify potential gaps in the implementation,
enforcement and MRV capacities of the CCMA and how it relates to and regulates several other sectors.
The regional workshops seek to create a basis for provincial and local feedback to aid in creating a more
attuned and effective CCMA, which would utilise local capacity.
There were four regional workshops, each with a duration of 3 days. Stakeholders from the provinces from each region will be invited to the relevant regional workshop. These objectives were delivered at the regional workshops commencing in Mt. Hagen for the Highlands Region from 21-23 May, followed by Lae 28-31 May for the Momase, 11-13 June in Kimbe for New Guinea Islands, and concluded in Alotau on the 9-12 July 2019 for the Southern Region.