Completed: 2018-2020

PNG Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) REDD+ Readiness Phase 2

This REDD+ Readiness Phase 2 Project was a precondition for Papua New Guinea to move to the next phase of REDD+ to implement REDD+ Policies and Measures to effectively reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and promote the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. Successful REDD+ implementation, in terms of reduction in Greenhouse Gas emissions from the forest sector, will also enable PNG to access results-based payments through the UNFCCC in the future.

Building upon the earlier REDD+ readiness efforts, the main goal of the FCPF II project was to enable the continuation of support to PNG’s REDD+ Readiness Phase, to strengthen capacities for the efficient management of REDD+, to develop a National REDD+ strategy, support the continuation of the country’s considerable achievements on National Forest Monitoring System, Forest Reference Emissions Level and safeguards, and to increase engagement of diverse stakeholders (government, private sector, NGOs/CSOs and academia) in this process.


It was also support the objective of REDD+ readiness funding in PNG, which is:

  • to contribute to the development of PNG’s capacity to design a sound national REDD+ strategy, develop and sustain national readiness management arrangements, elaborate REDD+ strategy options, develop the REDD+ implementation framework, assess social and environmental impacts so that, by 2020, PNG is ready to implement policies and measures to reduce emissions from its forests and to enhance removals under the UNFCCC REDD+ mechanism.


  1. Capacities exist for effective and efficient management of REDD+, including full and effective participation of all relevant stakeholders
  2. Endorsement of PNG’s National REDD+ Strategy and National REDD+ Finance and Investment Plan (NRFIP)
  3. Sub-national stakeholders have capacity for REDD+ planning
  4. Capacities exist for NFMS and FREL management and development

Budget: USD$5 million 

Expected Results

  • The capacity of PNG’s government and stakeholders enhanced to implement REDD+ activities through series of capacity building initiatives and sector-based consultations;
  • National REDD+ arrangements, including National REDD+ Steering Committee, Technical Working Committees effectively established and successfully functioning;
  • A comprehensive national REDD+ communications strategy developed and successfully implemented at the national and sub-national levels;
  • A Five-year National REDD+ Finance and Investment Plan to implement the PNG’s National REDD+ Strategy developed and implemented;
  • PNG’s Safeguards and Safeguards Information Systems developed and in place;
  • Provincial Stakeholder Engagement Plans on REDD+ Implementation.
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