Consultation aims to strengthen Climate-Smart Coffee Development in PNG

Representatives from key stakeholders gathered in Port Moresby this week, providing their perspectives on strengthening sustainable coffee development as a key climate-smart initiative for Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Led by Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) with the support of Regional Pacific Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Hub, this consultation kickstarted the process to guide the formulation of an effective policy framework which will strengthen sustainable coffee development for the country. CCDA’s Acting General Manager for MRV and National Communication Ms. Debra Sungi described the undertaking as a key step for the country in working towards meeting the country’s NDCs in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land-Use Sectors (AFOLU) by 2030 as part of PNG’s global commitment in addressing climate change. NDC’s are individual country-specific climate action plans, outlining commitments to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Ms. Sungi said that PNG aims to cut emissions by 10,000 Gigagrams of carbon dioxide equivalent from deforestation and forest degradation caused by agriculture and logging under the NDC, compared to 2015 levels. The NDC Implementation Roadmap for the AFOLU sector, created in 2021, lists certain activities to meet the country’s Enhanced NDC targets by 2030, including the framework to strengthen sustainable coffee development.

“As such, the Government of PNG reached out to the Regional Pacific NDC Hub for technical assistance in developing this framework. The framework will ensure the coffee sector captures climate-smart priorities and align with relevant national sector plans and policies”, said Ms. Sungi.

Ms. Sungi added that the consultation workshop provides a crucial platform for all actors to share their perspective in the sector “so as the government, we can work to align actions across international policy processes, enhance ambition, accelerate implementation and measure results that meets our country’s mitigation targets and even so, bring incentives to our people”.

Ms. Sungi thanked the NDC Regional Hub, through its implementing partner SPC for engaging CRESS Consulting to support the Government of PNG on this consultation on behalf of CCDA. She also thanked all participating stakeholders for their contribution towards this process.

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