PNG Sets Sail Towards Climate Transparency and Forest Conservation

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is taking bold strides toward climate transparency and sustainable forestry as it fulfills its commitments under the Paris Agreement. As the world faces the urgent need for climate action, PNG is leading the charge to ensure a greener future for generations to come.

At the forefront of this endeavor is the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA), mandated by law to spearhead PNG’s adherence to the Paris Agreement. With unwavering dedication, CCDA is gearing up to submit PNG’s First Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) by the end of 2024, showcasing the nation’s progress in combating climate change.

This was highlighted at an inception workshop in Port Moresby today, attended by representatives from Government Agencies, Research and Academia, Private Sectors, NGOs and Development Partners.

The BTR will encapsulate comprehensive data ranging from greenhouse gas emissions to climate change impacts and adaptation strategies. Furthermore, PNG’s steadfast dedication to forest conservation will be highlighted through the inclusion of the REDD+ Technical Annex, shedding light on the nation’s efforts in sustainable forestry management.

Commenting on this step forward, Acting Managing Director of CCDA, Debra Sungi, emphasized, “Our commitment to the Paris Agreement demonstrates PNG’s unwavering dedication to mitigating climate change impacts and preserving our invaluable natural resources. Through rigorous reporting and accountability measures, we aim to set a global standard for environmental stewardship.”

Speaking on the significance of forest conservation, William Lakain, Acting General Manager, MRV & National Communication Division, CCDA, stated, “Forests are our lifeline, serving as carbon sinks and biodiversity hotspots. PNG’s commitment to REDD+ underscores our resolve to safeguard our forests and combat deforestation and forest degradation.”

In a synergistic effort, PNG is receiving technical support from esteemed partners. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under the Global Environment Facility (GEF)’s Capacity-Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) 2 project, is lending crucial technical expertise.

FAO, Head of PNG Office, Bir Mandal, remarked, “FAO is proud to support Papua New Guinea in its efforts to enhance transparency and sustainability in the forestry sector. Through collaborative initiatives like the CBIT 2 project, we can empower nations to effectively address climate change challenges.”

Additionally, PNG is also receiving logistical and other support from the European Union through the European Union-funded Forestry-Climate Change-Biodiversity (EU-FCCB) Programme, and in particular through the national component of this EU-FCCB Programme managed by Expertise France.

His Excellency Mr Jacques Fradin, Ambassador of the European Union to Papua New Guinea, expressed, “the European Union commends Papua New Guinea’s steadfast dedication to meeting its commitments to combat climate change and preserving its rich biodiversity. Through collaboration and shared commitment, we can forge a sustainable path towards a greener future for all.”

During the workshop, PNG’s Second National REDD+ Forest Reference Level, was also launched setting a precedent in climate transparency and forest conservation. This reference level document sets a baseline for the country’s forest-related carbon emissions between 2019 and 2027, based on historical data and projected trends.

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