REDD+: “REDD” stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation, Forest Degradation and the “+” stands for the role of Conservation, Sustainable Management of Forests, and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks.”

The development of PNG’s National REDD+ Strategy (NRS) 2017 – 2027 by CCDA through the REDD+ & Mitigation Division and relevant stakeholders; provides the strategic approach to implementing REDD+ both under the UNFCCC’s national approach as well as providing guidance for project-based REDD+ initiatives. In 2021, the REDD+ & Mitigation Division went further to develop and submit (to the UNFCCC) the REDD+ Safeguards Summary of Information (SOI) accompanied by a National Executive Council (NEC) approved Safeguards Information System (SIS) Framework which ultimately qualified PNG to receive results-based payments for its REDD+ results (reported under subsequent Biennial Update Report Technical Annexes).

Divisional Goals

  1. Establish and strengthen national and sub-national low carbon growth strategies and policies.
  2. Improve systems and inventories to monitor greenhouse gas emissions and account for carbon emissions
  3. Develop a green growth development framework to support and promote green growth interventions


The division achieved another milestone for the REDD+ & Mitigation Division, as it pursued the development of the four in-country safeguard guidelines to strengthen PNG’s adherence to UNFCCC safeguard requirements, with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership with line agencies as outlined in the NRS. The REDD+ Safeguard Guidelines have also informed the development of the draft Climate Change Carbon Markets (Management) Regulation 2022, and the current amendments to the Climate Change (Management) Act 2015 as amended.

The REDD+ Branch has strategized its future direction based on in-country circumstances such as;

  • the Moratorium on all new and intending REDD+ Projects;
  • progress under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement;
  • the National REDD+ Strategy;
  • the 4 in-country Safeguard Guidelines;
  • PNG’s Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution;
  • the current flow of climate finance (both in-country, abroad); and
  • other related policy decisions and documents coupled with discussions and recommendations from the REDD+ TWC amongst other forums facilitated the Climate Change and Development Authority.
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