CCDA and USAID Climate Ready Joint Assessment Report

The Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) was established in 2015 to coordinate Papua New Guinea’s response to climate change. In 2016 CCDA was appointed the National Designated Authority (NDA) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which means that the agency is responsible for the coordination of all GCF activities in PNG. In 2017, CCDA, with support from USAID Climate Ready and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), applied for capacity development support to the GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support program and was subsequently awarded a grant of US$667,427 to support institutional strengthening measures at CCDA, specifically with respect to its functioning as the GCF NDA. GGGI was selected as the Delivery Partner for this grant. To assist with implementation of the grant, CCDA requested USAID Climate Ready support in identifying gaps and developing specific recommendations for
improving the effectiveness of CCDA as Papua New Guinea’s NDA to the GCF. To fulfill this request, USAID Climate Ready has conducted a Joint Organizational Assessment (JOA) to identify the existing strengths and weaknesses at CCDA with respect to its functioning as the NDA. The JOA procedure included a policy/institutional review, a series of facilitated workshops and discussions with CCDA staff, and interviews with key stakeholders (within and outside CCDA). Data and information collected were then analyzed based on the narrative description and logical framework of the CCDA/GGGI Readiness and Support Proposal (specifically Outcome 1: “Country Capacity Strengthened”), and compared to the roles and responsibilities of the NDA as
described in relevant GCF guidance. This analysis informed several recommendations for strengthening the institutional and human resource capacity of the NDA. This analysis was conducted over the course of Q2-Q3 2018. The overall JOA process and resulting recommendations can be seen as addressing the overall strengthening of the NDA to perform its functions as required by the GCF.

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