The impact of climate change-related hazards in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has been increasing in intensity and frequency. Two serious climate induced hazards: (1) coastal flooding and sea level rise, and (2) inland flooding driven by irregular rainfall have been identified by the Government of PNG as emerging climate change related impacts and prioritised as a growing threat to its country, people and economy. Many of the places where people affected by these hazards live have poor access to services and markets. They are commonly located away from roads, along provincial borders, inland between the highlands and the lowlands, or inland on the larger islands and on most of the small islands. The vulnerability of these communities to anticipated climate change-related floods is expected to increase.
To enhance the adaptive capacity of communities to make informed decisions about and adapt to climate change-driven hazards affecting both coastal and riverine communities in the North Coast and Islands Region of PNG. In particular, the Project will build resilience towards occurrences of coastal and inland flooding events. The strategy to achieve this objective will focus on implementing community based adaptation (CBA) and disaster risk management (DRM) measures at the community level and building institutional as well as policy capacity that promote efficient and cost-effective adaptation to coastal and inland flood-related risks at sub-national levels (Local Level Government and Ward). The Project is being implemented in five provinces: East Sepik, Madang, Morobe, New Ireland and Northern (Oro) Province which have been identified as most vulnerable to climate change related coastal and inland flooding.