Papua New Guinea and the Green Climate Fund: Guidelines for the No-objection Procedure

The purpose of a No Objection Procedure is to ensure that climate change funding proposals are consistent with national climate strategies and plans, country-driven approaches, and national laws and regulations; and to provide for effective direct and indirect public and private sector financing by the Green Climate Fund (GCF). A letter of no-objection is a condition for approval of all funding proposals submitted to the Fund.
The Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) is the Nationally Designated Authority (NDA) for engaging with the GCF and plays a central role in helping access international climate change finance. CCDA’s mission is to promote climate resilience, low carbon growth and sustainable development nationally. In its role as NDA, CCDA manages the whole-of-government, consultative approach to decision making in issuing a No Objection Letter (NOL), which all projects seeking funding from the GCF must obtain. Under GCF rules, countries decide on their own nationally-appropriate process to determine no-objection to funding proposals, according to their capacities and existing processes and institutions. The GCF also allows for No Objection Procedures to be revised on the basis of evolving needs or experience gained in implementation. The CCDA, supported by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), USAID’s Climate Ready project and the Government of Australia, has developed a unique No Objection Procedure that aligns with Papua New Guinea’s national context, institutional arrangements and decision-making processes. This work has drawn on national and subnational consultation and existing policy, reports, analyses and guidance documents. The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide Accredited Entities, potential project proponents and other stakeholders with information on the process through which the NDA will issue a NOL. It is important to refer to and follow these Guidelines when seeking an endorsed NOL as a mandatory requirement for submitting a proposal to the GCF.

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