OCCDEX06 – Internal Auditor

Job Description for Internal Auditor

REDD+ Poster in Pidgin

REDD+ Poster in …

Low Carbon Growth Poster in Pidgin

Low Carbon Growth Poster in …

MRV Poster in Pidgin

MRV Poster in …

Adaptation Poster in Pidgin

Adaptation Poster in …

The Beauty of Mangroves

Office of Climate Change and Development (OCCD), through its Adaptation & Projects Division, with support …

Protect Mangroves: “Safeguard our Marine Ecosystems and our Lives”

Mangroves are found along the coasts and are among the highly productive ecosystems. According to …

Climate Change-related Coastal Flooding Hazard Maps for Disaster Risk Management and Development Planning

Coastal flooding and sea level rise have been identified by the Government of PNG through …

Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Communities to Climate Change-related Floods in the North Coast and Islands Region of PNG

The impact of climate change-related hazards in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has been increasing in …

Community-based Mangrove Planting Handbook

This handbook gives a step-by-step guide on how to rehabilitate mangroves. This handbook is part …

Climate Risk, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in the East Sepik Province in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is prone to natural disasters induced by climate change, climate variability, and …

Climate Risk, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in the Madang Province Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is prone to natural disasters induced by climate change, climate variability, and …

Highlands GCF Regional Workshop Report

As the Delivery Partner to Papua New Guinea’s Green Climate Fund Readiness program, GGGI in …

MOMASE GCF Regional Workshop Report

As the Delivery Partner to Papua New Guinea’s Green Climate Fund Readiness program, GGGI in …

New Guinea Islands GCF Regional Workshop Report

The regional workshops bring climate change governance to the sub-national level. The workshop provides an …

Southern Regional GCF Workshop Report

The regional workshops were bringing climate change actions [engagement and consultations] through project development and …

Climate Finance Monitoring and Evaluation Green Climate Fund Webinar Report

The objective of the climate finance monitoring and evaluation webinary was to familiarise Papua New …

GCF Country Programme and No-Objection Procedure of PNG Webinar Report

As part of PNG’s GCF Readiness project, the Climate Change & Development Authority (CCDA) has …

Gender Mainstreaming Webinar

The objective of the gender mainstreaming webinar was to introduce participants to the content of …

Stakeholder and Policy Analysis Report on GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Project

This Stakeholder and Policy Analysis report is a contribution to the development of Green Climate …

CCDA and USAID Climate Ready Joint Assessment Report

The Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) was established in 2015 to coordinate Papua New …

Current and future Climate of PNG: Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning Program

Current and future Climate of PNG: A Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning …

Current and future climate of Papua New Guinea

The temperature of the ocean surrounding Papua New Guinea has a strong influence on average …

Enhancing access to Climate Finance: GCF Readiness in Papua New Guinea GCF Readiness in Papua New Guinea

Mobilizing climate finance to where it will deliver the most impact – developing countries – …

Papua New Guinea and the Green Climate Fund: Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines for Project Implementers

This guideline is part of a broader systematic effort to address gender inequalities in climate …

Papua New Guinea and the Green Climate Fund: Guidelines for the No-objection Procedure

The purpose of a No Objection Procedure is to ensure that climate change funding proposals …

Papua New Guinea and the Green Climate Fund Project Development Manual

This is the first edition of the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Green Climate Fund (GCF) …

The Green Climate Fund and Papua New Guinea’s National Designated Authority

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a fund created to support the efforts of developing …

Green Climate Fund bona Papua New Guinea National Designated Authority

Green Climate Fund (GCF) be durua Moni ta, idia makaia tubudae noho Tanobadadia lalonai Climate …

Green Climate Fund (GCF) Na National Designated Authority (NDA) bilong Papua Niugini

Green Climate Fund (GCF) em i wanpela bikpela intanesinal opis/bodi we i kamapim moni long …

Communication Strategy 2019-2022

This Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) Communication Strategy is aligned to the Strategic Outcome …

National REDD+ Free Prior and Informed Consent Guidelines

In the context of NRS implementation, FPIC shall be sought before any of the following …

National REDD+ Grievance Redress Mechanism Guidelines

The National REDD+ GRM is multifaceted and involves multiple actors all contributing in some measure …

National REDD+ Development Guidelines

The National REDD+ Development Guidelines (RDG) seeks to improve the governance and implementation of REDD+ …

Community-based Mangrove Planting Handbook

A step-by-step guide to implementing a mangrove rehabilitation project for the coastal communities of Papua …

Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Communities to Climate Change-related Floods

To enhance the adaptive capacity of communities to make informed decisions about and adapt to …

Corporate Plan 2018-2022

The Corporate Plan will ensure that PNG’s goals are strategically positioned with the Pacific’s Framework …

PNG Climate Change (Management) Act, 2015

Baseline information for PNG’s National Adaptation Plan financing and investment strategy

1. Background. The assessment aims to provide substantive and quality baseline information to inform the …

Papua New Guinea Revised Enhanced NDC 2020 Implementation Plan (2021 – 2030)

As part of the Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Commitment under the United Nations Framework Convention …

Papua New Guinea’s Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution 2020

The Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the …

Second Biennial Update Report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2022

The Papua New Guinea Government submits PNG’s Second Biennial Update Report (BUR2) under the United …

Papua New Guinea’s Sustainable Development Goal 13: Roadmap An Empowering Response to Challenges and Opportunities posed by Climate Chang

PNG is committed to taking action on climate change as part of its climate compatible …

Papua New Guinea NDC Implementation Roadmap Electricity Sector

This electricity NDC roadmap and accompanying Electricity NDC database is intended to be a dynamic …

Papua New Guinea NDC Implementation Roadmap, for Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Sector

This document provides a roadmap for PNG to consolidate and enhance the permanence of current …

Papua New Guinea REDD+ Benefit Sharing & Distribution Guidelines

The purpose of this document is to enable the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) …

Safeguard Information System Framework for Papua New Guinea

The objectives of PNG’s SIS are to outline the framework for the Safeguard Information System …

Summary of Information on how UNFCCC REDD+ Safeguards are being addressed and respected

In accordance with the decisions established in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change …

Environmental and Social Monitoring Report

Building Resilience to Climate Change to Climate Change in Papua New Guinea (PNG) (formerly Strategic …

NAP online Tracking Database

Tool for Sectoral Planning Guidelines for Climate Change Adaptation

Papua New Guinea National Adaptation Plan

The development of Papua New Guinea’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) was led by the Adaptation …

National Adaptation Plan Training Module

Increase knowledge, information, and access to approaches for anticipating climate change risks and impacts that …

Papua New Guinea National Adaptation Plan Financing and Investment Strategy

Climate change adaptation is a complex issue due to its cross-cutting nature that spans across …

Sectoral Planning Guideline for Climate Change Adaptation

These Sectoral Planning Guidelines for climate change adaptation aim to assist climate change adaptation efforts …

APEC Energy Supply and Demand Outlook_jp

The Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) was established in July 1996 in Tokyo, as an affiliate of the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ), pursuant to the Action Agenda1 adopted by the Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders at the Osaka Summit in November 1995. The Government of Japan generously agreed to host the Centre

Disaster Code Signboard.Lealea


Disaster Code Signboard.Gabagaba


Disaster Code Signboard.Boera_



The challenges facing the implementation of
REDD+ programs in Papua New Guinea

National REDD+ Strategy

An open and modern government must lead its country in a way that acknowledges its global
responsibilities while also ensuring the security, prosperity and equality of its people. The challenges of
achieving these responsibilities have never been so pressing.

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